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St. Teresa's Primary School Lurgan, Lurgan, Co Armagh


6th Sep 2024
While the P1 children were arriving we tried to catch some of them as they made their...
11th Sep 2024
Primary 6 had a brilliant day when Sam Maguire came to visit St. Teresa’s....
10th Sep 2024
We had a fantastic day when Sam Maguire came to visit us. It was such a special day...
9th Sep 2024
We had another new member to our class today in the form of SAM MAGUIRE!!!! Weren't...
9th Sep 2024
The children were very excited for Sam Maguire to visit today, and the sun even made...
9th Sep 2024
A really memorable day for Primary Five as Sam came to visit! 
9th Sep 2024
The excitement was real when Sam came to St Teresa's  
2nd Sep 2024
Welcome back everyone! What an exciting year ahead.