Access Keys:

St. Teresa's Primary School Lurgan, Lurgan, Co Armagh
IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: First Confession (P.4) 27/2/25 @ 11:30am in St Peter's Church   First Holy Communion (P.4) 22/5/25 @ 11:30am in St Peter's Church   Confirmation (P.7) 13/3/25 @ 11:30am in St Peter's Church
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Rain Rain Go Away

4th Apr 2023

it was a wet soggy day last Friday when we headed off to the farm. The problem was, it was so wet and soggy that even the animals wanted to stay indoors. Not ideal! A huge thank you to our Friends of St. Teresa’s (FOST) for their puddle suit donation. The trip would have been miserable in the rain without them. The suits meant we were dry and carefree!

But on the bright side our lovely friends from PIPS were there to brighten the day! We had such a lovely time playing together in the park and it was a great way to celebrate our hard work in Shared Education